  • ARTtech Seminar & Workshops


ARTtech Seminar & Workshops

Perjantai—Lauantai, 2.—3.8.2024

Assembly Summer 2024

Osta liput

Teknologian syvää päätä ja matalampaa rannikkoa – Assemblyn seminaareista ja workshopeista sisältöä löytyy niin alan harrastajille kuin myös aloittelijoille ja muille teknologiasta kiinnostuneille.


Pe 13:00 – 15:00

Workshop: 3D modelling for beginners in Blender

Organizer: Oskari Tamminen, MiTale. Let’s get to know 3D modeling together with the help of Blender. You will need a laptop and Blender ( already installed.

La 09:00 – 09:30

Demoscene Stage

Seminar: How to actually use generative AI in gamedev

Speaker: Joona Gynther from Amazon Web Services.

La 10:00 – 12:00

Workshop: Making retro games for Game Boy

Organizer: Samuli Jaskelainen, Varjo. Workshop in Finnish or English depending on the participants preferences.

Learn how to make a game boy game with GB Studio. No previous game development experience needed, you are welcome to join in with your own laptop or just come to watch and learn. We will cover pixel art creation, level design and basic game logic using visual programming. Participants will also have an opportunity to run their own game on a real game boy at the end of the workshop.

Bring own laptop and make sure to download these tools before the workshop:

GB Studio: Tiled: LibreSprite:

La 10:00 – 10:30

Demoscene Stage

Seminar: Difficulties in Designing Narrative-Driven Action Adventure RPG – Case: Willow Guard

Speaker: Petter Skult, MiTale

La 10:30 – 11:00

Demoscene Stage

Seminar: Fit and Flow: The art of synchronisation for intermediate demo makers

Speaker: Paul Grenfell from Ate Bit, Mikcom, IGDA Helsinki, Metaplay

La 11:00 – 11:30

Demoscene Stage

Seminar: Looking to establish your first game company?

Speaker: Joeli Niva from DLA Piper

La 11:30 – 12:00

Demoscene Stage

Seminar: Design & Development of RPGs

Speaker: Arto Koistinen from Random Potion

La 12:00 – 14:00

Workshop: Fantasy console game development

Organizer: Perttu “Borb” Tuovinen, Borbware.

Pico-8, TIC-80, Picotron… These game engines are restricted by design! All fantasy consoles have their own unique aesthetics and limitations, and they can be used for creating digital experiences ranging from demoscene demos and jam games to full-blown commericial releases. In this workshop, you’ll learn the basics of the free and open-source fantasy console TIC-80 – remember to bring your laptop!

La 14:00 – 16:00

Workshop: Board game design

Organizer: Dina Ramse, DinaSaidSo.

Description and requirements: The workshop is designed to introduce to the world of board game design – where to start, what tools you can use to create different game mechanics, test and prototype your board game! Furthermore, Dina will also show some examples of how you can promote and possibly bring your game to life through crowdfunding.

IGDA Future / IGDA Finland järjestää ARTtech-seminaarin ja -työpajoja Assembly Summer 2024 -tapahtumassa perjantaina ja lauantaina 2.-3. elokuuta.


Seminaareja järjestetään lauantaina 3. elokuuta klo 12.00-15.00 Demoscene Stagella.

How to actually use generative AI in gamedev

Aika: Lauantai, 3. elokuuta, 12.00 – 12.30
Puhuja: Joona Gynther, Amazon Web Services

We have all seen the boom of “generative AI” during the last year or so. Currently it seems that only your imagination is the limit to how the technology could be used from art generation to living NPCs. I will slightly lift the curtain of the “art-of-the-actually-possible” in a demo-heavy talk to inspire people to think about how they could leverage GenAI. I will show some code, but no prior knowledge is needed to understand what is happening. I will also be leveraging the AWS platform but no knowledge on cloud computing is expected or needed from participants.

Nice to Meet You! – A Collection of Unorthodox Thoughts on Networking

Aika: Lauantai, 3. elokuuta, 12.30 – 13.00
Puhuja: Christopher Hamilton, IGDA – EU Chapter Coordinator

Christopher will share anecdotal stories and scientific studies on networking, offering creative strategies for building business connections.

Difficulties in Designing Narrative-Driven Action Adventure RPG – Case: Willow Guard

Aika: Lauantai, 3. elokuuta, 13:00 – 13.30
Puhuja: Petter Skult, MiTale

From Concept to Player – Fast Track Your Prototyping (Board and Digital Games)

Aika: Lauantai, 3. elokuuta, 13.30 – 14.00
Puhuja: Dina Ramse, Dina Said So Studio

Looking to establish your first game company?

Aika: Lauantai, 3. elokuuta, 14.00 – 14.30
Puhuja: Joeli Niva, DLA Piper

Join Joeli Niva for an informative, yet laid-back 30-minute exploration into the crucial legal stuff that will set you on the path to success in the dynamic world of game development. In this power-packed session, we’ll discuss the foundational steps of establishing a company, ensuring you lay the legal groundwork for a thriving venture. From choosing the right business structure to navigating initial registrations, you’ll gain actionable insights to kickstart your entrepreneurial journey.

Design & Development of RPGs

Aika: Lauantai, 3. elokuuta, 14:30 – 15.00
Puhuja: Arto Koistinen Random Potion

RPGs have been one of the most popular and revered genres for almost the whole time digital games have existed, but they also have the reputation of being extremely complex to make. In this talk, indie developer of 15+ years and RPG genre veteran, Arto Koistinen, breaks down what goes into design, development and production of a roleplaying game. Topics discussed include design basics, code architecture and production issues such as time and resources needed, as well as the glance at the market for modern RPGs. If you’re thinking of making an RPG someday, are in the midst of working on one or just want a quick look inside a legendary genre, this talk is for you.


IGDA:n organisoimia työpajoja pidetään perjantaina ja lauantaina 2.-3. elokuuta. Työpajat järjestetään lähellä Demoscene Stagea

3D modelling for beginners in Blender

Aika: Perjantai, 2. elokuuta, 16.00 – 18.00
Vetäjä: Oskari Tamminen, MiTale

Let’s get to know 3D modeling together with the help of Blender. You will need a laptop and Blender ( already installed.

Making retro games for Game Boy

Aika: Lauantai, 3. elokuuta, 13.00 – 15.00
Vetäjä: Samuli Jaskelainen, Varjo

Workshop in Finnish or English depending on the participants preferences.

Learn how to make a game boy game with GB Studio. No previous game development experience needed, you are welcome to join in with your own laptop or just come to watch and learn. We will cover pixel art creation, level design and basic game logic using visual programming. Participants will also have an opportunity to run their own game on a real game boy at the end of the workshop.

Bring own laptop and make sure to download these tools before the workshop:

Fantasy console game development

Aika: Lauantai, 3. elokuuta, 15.00 – 17.00
Vetäjä: Perttu “Borb” Tuovinen, Borbware

Pico-8, TIC-80, Picotron… These game engines are restricted by design! All fantasy consoles have their own unique aesthetics and limitations, and they can be used for creating digital experiences ranging from demoscene demos and jam games to full-blown commercial releases. In this workshop, you’ll learn the basics of the free and open-source fantasy console TIC-80 – remember to bring your laptop!

Board game design

Aika: Lauantai, 3. elokuuta, 17.00 – 19.00
Vetäjä: Dina Ramse, DinaSaidSo

Description and requirements: The workshop is designed to introduce to the world of board game design – where to start, what tools you can use to create different game mechanics, test and prototype your board game! Furthermore, Dina will also show some examples of how you can promote and possibly bring your game to life through crowdfunding.

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