

Content Corner

Thursday—Saturday, 3.—5.8.2023

ASSEMBLY Summer 2023

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Streamcorner is now Content Corner!


Thu 17:00 – 19:00

Content Corner

DJ Benjamin Risto Uuno

Fri 12:45 – 13:30

Content Corner

Pakenen ongelmiani peleihin

Tältä näyttää sisäinen kasvu. World of Warcraftin entinen maailmanmestari Raakel “xenophics” Lius käsittelee peliongelmiaan livenä keskustelussa Restart-ohjelman valmentaja Sanni Behmin ohjaamana.

Fri 14:00 – 14:45

Content Corner

Sienimiili goes Jukeboksi!

Fri 16:00 – 17:00

Content Corner

Suomituben legendat -paneelikeskustelu

Keskustelemassa Aleksi “MrJallu101” Koli, Juuso “J0P” Pekkarinen, Glyffi, Jonna “Wildeem” Paananen.

Sat 10:00 – 11:30

Content Corner

Herbacraft vs Realmi – Minecraft-palvelimet vastakkain!

Suomen kaksi suurinta Minecraft-palvelinta, HerbaCraft ja Realmi, ottavat mittaa toisistaan kiehtovissa haasteissa! Turnauksen juontavat Herbalisti ja MasterMcPvP.

Sat 12:30 – 13:15

Content Corner

Liveterapia w/ Terapeuttiville & Herbalisti

Sat 14:00 – 15:00

Content Corner

Niilo22 – Taidenurkka

Kolmelle taiteilijalle annetaan tunti aikaa ikuistaa Mikael “Niilo22” Kosola maalaukseen.

Sat 16:00 – 16:45

Content Corner

Siskottelua goes Assembly!

Sisarrukset Jonna “Wildeem” Paananen ja Jaana Mäntylä tuovat suositun Siskottelua-podcastin ensimmäistä kertaa lavalle live-esiintymisenä!

Sat 17:30 – 18:15

Content Corner

DJ Benjamin Risto Uuno

Sat 19:00 – 19:45

Content Corner

Haasta Suomen paras Smash-pelaaja!

Nyt on aika heittäytyä mukaan ja haastaa Suomen paras Smash-pelaaja, Lancelot!

Streamcorner concept will be expanded and will be known as Content Corner in the future. The area will have familiar streaming points where Finnish streaming stars can produce content using well-equipped streaming points. This year, in addition to the streaming points, the area will also feature influencer-driven programs on Content Corner’s own stage!

Content Corner is located in the EXPO area and follows its opening hours.

Content Corner Stage

At Content Corner, you will witness a stage featuring a variety of influencer-driven programs. The performers and schedule for the stage will be announced on this page.

DJ Benjamin Risto Uuno

DJ Benjamin Risto Uuno will be the entertainer in the Expo area, who will ensure that Assembly doesn’t lack synthwave music! Get a taste of Benjamin here.

Thursday 3rd August, from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM & Saturday 5th August, from 8:30 PM to 9:15 PM

Challenge Finland’s Best Smash Player!

The program takes place on Saturday 5th August, from 10:00 PM to 10:45 PM

Herbacraft vs. Realmi – Minecraft Servers Face-off!

The program takes place on Saturday 5th August, from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM

Therapy session w/ Terapeuttiville & Herbalisti

The program takes place on Saturday 5th August, from 3:30 PM to 4:15 PM.

Niilo22 – Art Corner

Three artists are given one hour to immortalize Mikael “Niilo22” Kosola in a painting. During the painting process, you can also enjoy a unique interview, where both Niilo22 himself and the artists open their hearts and tell about their unique thoughts and feelings.

The artworks made by the artists will be auctioned after the event. The proceeds from the auction will be donated to the charity organization Mieli Ry for the benefit of children and youth!

The program takes place on Saturday 5th August, from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

I play games to escape my problems

The program takes place on Friday 4th August, from 3:45 PM to 4:30 PM.

Sienimiili goes Jukeboksi!

Sienimiili, who has had an impact on Twitch for a long time, will arrive to Assembly and perform the visitors’ requested songs. Come to listen and have fun!

The program takes place on Friday 4th August, from 5:00 PM to 5:45 PM.

Siskottelua goes Assembly!

The program takes place on Saturday 5th August, from 7:00 PM to 7:45 PM.

Finnish YouTube Legends – Panel Discussion


The program takes place on Friday 4th August, from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

Content Corner Streamers area

As usual, Assembly will once again feature the most interesting streamers in Finland!

Content Corner’s Streamers area, like the former Streamcorner, offers star streamers fully equipped streaming points from which they can share the atmosphere of the hall in real time with their communities. Come meet your favorite streamers or get to know new content creators and discover new games to play! There are both familiar and new faces producing streaming and game content from far and wide, from Beat Saber to the familiar CS:GO.

Confirmed streamers:

The remaining streamers and the schedule will be published on the Content Corner’s program page before the event!

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