Check out the results of the compos, cosplay, esports, and gaming, and give us feedback on the Assembly Summer 2023 event.
The Assembly Summer 2023 event, held at Helsinki Messukeskus from August 3rd to August 6th, 2023, has come to an end. The program was exceptionally extensive this time, with high-quality content produced by Assembly and its partners showcased on four different stages and numerous activity points. The Konepaikkahalli hall was completely sold out, creating an electrifying atmosphere at these parties! A big thank you to all the participants.
The event also hosted several competitions, both serious and lighthearted. The digital art competitions, known as compos, were one of the most anticipated parts of Assembly's program. In addition to these, there were competitions for cosplay, various e-sports disciplines, and amateur tournaments for different computer and console games.
Demo compo was won with the entry: The Legend of Sisyphus, by Andromeda Software Development.
Check out all the compo winners at assembly-summer-2023-competition-winners.
You can find the winners of coolest (and fastest) competitions at coolest-compo-results
Katso cosplayn tulokset winners-of-assembly-2023-cosplay-competition.
At the Summer 2023 event for esports, the Finnish championship of Counter-Strike was held, as well as tournaments for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Guilty Gear -Strive-, Tekken 7, and Street Fighter 6 in the Assymylly fighting game event. Additionally, various Casual tournaments were played on the computer seats. Check out all the gaming results on the page esports-and-gaming-results-summer-2023.
During the event, Assembly's PhotoCrew took many amazing photos. Check out all the pictures on the photo website assembly.galleria.fi and see if you can spot yourself in any of the shots!
You may help Assembly by participating in the Summer 2023 event visitor survey. By answering the survey, you can also enter the draw, where two standard computer seats and five weekend visitor tickets for the Assembly Winter 2024 event in February 2024 will be raffled among all respondents. Answer the survey here: https://form.typeform.com/to/VujV0Fwp Thank you!