  • Submitting entries to Assembly Demo Competitions


Submitting entries to Assembly Demo Competitions

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Assembly Summer 2022

To participate in many Assembly competitions (and also to vote) you will need a Votekey.

Most visitors can find their votekey printed on their Assembly ticket. It appears as a numeric string of 13 numbers, usually right next to the barcode, in a format like “1234567890123”. Oldskool ticket holders have special Votekeys, and can get them from Assembly Summer Info Desk.

Take this votekey and register in Assembly Partyman:

There is a delay between when the Votekey is created and when it is available in Assembly Partyman. If you have just recently purchased your ticket, you likely have encountered this delay. Please try a bit later. Some competitions do not require a Votekey to submit an entry. These are currently: Demo and Oldskool Demos 1k and 4k Intro Real Wild Shortfilm and In-Game Shortfilm Widescreen Tracked Music The system may show a banner saying you need a Votekey to enter these competitions, but that doesn’t apply when submitting an entry to these compos in the above list. Voting will ALWAYS require the Votekey! Good luck with your submission and thanks for participating in the Assembly demoscene competitions!

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