JIMM’S PC-STORE is a professional technology, computer, component and hi-fi store which has the all the new products first.
JIMM’S PC-STORE is a professional technology, computer, component and hi-fi store which has the all the new products first.
There is no Assembly without Jimm’s!
You can find the awesome PC and technolgy store Jimm’s from the Assemblyn EXPO area. Remember to check out the exclusive Assembly deals during the event at jimms.fi/pages/assembly
All exclusive deals can be found in time from jimms.fi/pages/assembly.
Sale items available only on site. Limited supply only (5-100 pieces).
Thursday Feb 23, 12.00-23.00
Friday Feb 24, 11.00-23.00
Saturday Feb 25, 11.00-23.00
Sunday Feb 26, 11.00-14.00